How to use it-girls as personas

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It-girls are representing a consumer need

The It-girl is not some random girl that just looks pretty and wear nice clothes. There is a reason why certain girls suddenly become it-girls. Society (and the consumers within it) has chosen them. They like to watch them, feel them and gets attracted to them. The it-girl represents a certain mood, feeling and way of being, which a specific consumer group finds appealing. The it-girl is basically representing a need. Something the consumers are longing for and wants to be a part of.

Watch the video beneath and get a simple method to reach and understand your core-consumer.

Does your brand have an it-girl?

Take a look out there and find your own it-girl. It will pay of because of the information you get about your consumers needs through the it-girl.

The method “it-girls as personas” gives you, as a fashion brand, tons of unique information about your consumer. So instead of designing to thousands of consumers (which can be really overwhelming and abstract), try to imagine your brands it-girl and focus on her needs. By designing to this one girl, you will indirectly produce products to your core-consumer -and that is what we like:-)